Here is the first single from my brand new instrumental album “Reign Showers”
This Joint is call Aquaplaning on the MPC 1000
Peace King i Divine
MPC Beat Making Video
Hip Hop beat on the MPC
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chezzzzzzzz that vibe
this goes hard man you killed that shit…what sample were you using?
Impressive…. Great samples and the way you pulled the shit together was
In the year 3030… everybody want so be..uh.. Producer.
you dont have to act like boone doc lmao
all that head bobbing was not necessary
I want to spit over this…
I want to get an MPC so bad, you are very inspiring!
1 huned bro
freddie gibbs needs this. call him.
The mans the shit. Surprised the industries not on his jock. So much better
then all the production on the radio. Wish real hip hop would find it’s way
back. Good shit man. Keep it up!
dont buy the blue one or u gona end up with dead pads buy bk mpc1000 black.
Clean those pads already!
Always the HOT RAW UNDERGROUND SHIT!!! I Love this Brother. King an Boonie
are the new Future!! Hands Down! Don’t forget Araab either!
too short. 🙂 love it!
Thats some serious head knocking! And its needed!
Hey man, bin a fan since waay back when you put up that harlem night track
with the animation on the roof and all that… I never got how you (or
anyone) is llowed to sell beats made from samples the way you make em.
Its always ut me off using samples and sampling. Can you tell me how its
possible, or point me in the right direction? Cheers man :)
i want to go digital now and need ur help. I want to get two sc3900s and an
x1700 mixer. I might just get used technics sl dz1200s and keep using my
numark im9 mixer but the denon gear looks so good IMO. Lol. I want to have
an mpc1000 with it and be able to sample the CDs into the mpc through the
mixer. Is this possible and how? Please give me a response that can work
with the sl dz1200s with an im9 mixer as well as the set with the denon
equipment. Ur help is much appreciated.
fireee ! #Neckbreakers
Lovely mate! Headbopping as I type.